Friday, April 13, 2012

Why slate roofs are the preferred choice for Orlando Florida high-end homes

Slate is a sedimentary rock that is formed under volcanic conditions, which explains why it is of greater durability and quality than other roofing materials. Because of their durability and quality, slate roofs are more expensive than other roof materials, but they will last longer and need less replacing and repair than other roofing choices in the long term. Learn why owners of high-end homes in central Florida prefer slate roofing:
  1. Slate roofing is the ultimate in durability. Slate can be considered a once in a lifetime roofing solution, because if slate roofing is well-maintained slate roofs can last over a hundred years.
  2. Because of the humid conditions of central Florida, slate roofs are an excellent choice for protecting your Orlando Florida home estate. When you have expert installers install a slate roof, you protect your property from fire, rain, hail, heavy winds, and other weather-related problems.
  3. Slate roofing tiles are ideal for steep roofs on estate and heritage buildings.
  4. Buildings in fire-prone areas benefit from the fire-resistance of slate roofing. With a class A fire rating, and high resistance to wind, slate roofs are a safer bet for protection during severe storm events.
  5. Slate roofing offers a durability and stability that blends so well with beauty and elegance.
The installation of slate roofing requires a high degree of skill and should only be done by professional installers.

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